Difficulty conceiving a child can have many causes. One significant problem that contributes to infertility is abnormalities on the part of the immune system. Abnormalities can make it difficult for an embryo to implant in the uterus, and increase the risk of not maintaining a pregnancy. Methods already exist to support the immune system and modify its function so that it promotes conception. One of the procedures used is intravenous infusions of intralipids.
What do intralipid infusions consist of?
Intralipids are a fat emulsion containing lipids of plant origin (mainly soybean oil) and phospholipids. They have a modulating effect on the immune system, reducing the activity of so-called NK cells (natural killers), which can adversely affect the processes of embryo implantation. Intralipids also help alter the immune system’s response in the mucosa of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes and have an anti-inflammatory effect, making it easier to implant the embryo and thus achieve pregnancy.
Who can be helped by this method?
Measures to support fertility should be discussed with your doctor. Each situation is different and requires an individual approach. Indications for intralipid infusions may include:
- Recurrent miscarriages in early pregnancy (after ruling out genetic causes)
- Failure of IVF treatment due to lack of implantation
- Idiopathic infertility, when it is difficult to determine what is causing the infertility.
The infusion method can benefit both spontaneous efforts and increase the chances of success of medical procedures.
What is the qualification for the procedure?
Intralipid infusion is performed on doctor’s orders. Beforehand, an endometrial receptivity test is recommended to determine whether the mucosa requires measures to “silence” the immune system or, on the contrary, to “activate” it. In the former case, steroid preparations and/or intralipid infusions may be used. As part of the qualification for the procedure, a detailed history is taken to determine the indications, as well as to rule out possible allergies and adverse interactions with the medications taken.
What are the contraindications to intralipid infusions?
In most healthy individuals, the procedure can be performed without major obstacles. Contraindications to its performance are hypersensitivity to fish, egg, soy or peanut protein, to the active ingredients or to any of the excipients present in the preparation (Egg Lecithin, Glycerol, Sodium Oleate, All-rac-α-Tocopherol, Sodium Hydroxide). This type of treatment is not used in people with severe hyperlipidemia, liver failure and blood clotting disorders. The doctor must additionally assess general health and rule out risks associated with other diseases or disorders.
Can the procedure have side effects?
Intralipid infusion is generally well-tolerated, but like any medical procedure, it can involve risks. The most common side effects include a slight increase in body temperature. Uncommonly, there may be chills, lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting, rarely – pressure disturbances, local reactions at the injection site and hypersensitivity reactions, feeling cold or hot, pallor, pain in the neck, back, bones, chest and loins. Any discomfort or worrisome symptom should be reported to the doctor.
How does the procedure proceed – what to prepare for?
The procedure is not painful and requires no special preparation. The patient takes a comfortable position in a chair or on a bed. A venflon is inserted into a peripheral vein (usually on the hand or forearm). The substance is administered intravenously, in the form of a drip. Despite the small volume of fluid, the rate of administration should be slow, so you should be patient. Usually the entire procedure takes about 2-3 hours, depending on individual recommendations and reactions. During the procedure and some time after its completion, the patient is under constant medical observation. After returning home, it is recommended to rest and avoid intense physical exertion.
Intralipid infusions are a relatively simple method of regulating the immune system and supporting the process of embryo implantation in the uterus. They can help couples who have been unable to get pregnant for a long time for no apparent reason, losing pregnancies and after IVF failures. In many cases, they help achieve success in natural efforts and during infertility treatment.