Price list

Andrological Consultation

350 PLN

The visit is intended for consultation on andrological problems. Its result may be a referral for diagnostic tests or a consultation on already performed tests, such as semen analysis or hormonal tests. I recommend using the iYoni medical application, which I co-founded. It contains many medical tips and answers to pressing questions without the need for an expensive specialist consultation. The visit lasts about 20-30 minutes.

Infertility Treatment Consultation (First Visit)

500 PLN

The visit is dedicated to analyzing the medical situation, test results, and previous treatment of the patient(s). Its result is a diagnosis or determination of the causes of failures and a comprehensive treatment plan. If possible, please attach medical documentation to the visit. Often, ultrasound examination is necessary for infertility diagnosis. The first ultrasound takes about 10-15 minutes, while subsequent tests take about 5 minutes. I recommend using the advice and self-diagnosis tools in the iYoni medical application, which I co-founded. It allows you to gain valuable knowledge for a fraction of the cost of a specialist consultation. A detailed case analysis and discussion of the treatment plan take about 40-60 minutes.

Infertility Treatment Consultation (Follow-up Visit)

400 PLN

The visit is dedicated to assessing the results of ordered tests and monitoring the treatment of the patient(s). Its result is recommendations and advice on potential modifications to increase the chances of pregnancy. Please attach current test results to the visit. Sometimes an ultrasound examination may be necessary. Visits last from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the needs.

Rare Diseases – Prevention

400 PLN

The visit is dedicated to discussing the possibilities of preventing genetic defects and diseases in children of couples with a burdened medical history. Its result is a proposal of actions and detailed recommendations. The visit lasts about 40-60 minutes.

Pre-procedure Consultation

500 PLN

Preparation for insemination or in vitro procedure. The visit is dedicated to planning treatment with the insemination/in vitro method, including optimizing the stimulation protocol, selecting additional procedures, tests, or operations to increase the chances of success. The result of the meeting is a comprehensive action plan proposal. Much information on planning in vitro treatment can be found in the iYoni medical application, which I co-founded. The tools available in it facilitate access to medical knowledge, reducing the time and costs associated with visits. The visit lasts about 40-60 minutes.

Hormonal Disorders Treatment

350 PLN

Treatment of hormonal disorders, cycle regulation, ovulation stimulation, support for the second phase. The result of the visit is a comprehensive research and treatment plan. I recommend preparing for the visit and using the medical advice available in the iYoni application for a fraction of the cost of a medical consultation. The visit lasts about 20-40 minutes.

Additional Procedures for Treatments

from 1200 PLN

If indicated, I offer patients additional procedures that can increase the chances of successful natural conception, insemination, or in vitro fertilization. They include additional procedures aimed at increasing endometrial receptivity and preparation, as well as improving ovarian reserve by introducing growth factors into the ovaries. Procedures last from 60 to 90 minutes.

Prescription Visit

100 PLN

A visit to prescribe medications for continued therapy, such as contraceptives, hormonal drugs, or thyroid disorder treatments.