Immune factor in infertility? Intralipid infusions can help
Difficulty conceiving a child can have many causes. One significant
Diagnosis of fertility disorders involves a comprehensive assessment of medical history, with particular attention to menstrual regularity and ovulation. This is followed by conducting imaging studies using state-of-the-art equipment in accordance with the latest global knowledge. Physical examinations, including ultrasound (USG), HSG (hysterosalpingography), HyCoSy (hysterosalpingo contrast sonography), and hysteroscopy, are also utilized for diagnostic purposes.
Numerous doctors refer their patients to me following an initial infertility diagnosis. Couples who have sought diagnosis and treatment for infertility from multiple clinics are seeking a comprehensive solution that enables them to pursue their goal of having a child in one place, under the care of a single doctor. With my extensive research, scientific expertise, inherent curiosity, and continuous expansion of knowledge and skills, I can assist numerous couples in their journey to conceive a child.
I specialize in assisting couples who have experienced failures in the In Vitro Fertilization procedure and embryo implantation. My goal is to identify the underlying causes and provide effective solutions based on current medical knowledge. Through thorough inquiry, investigation, analysis, and treatment, I strive to help couples achieve successful outcomes. During the consultation, I gather a comprehensive medical history, perform gynecological and ultrasound examinations, and review the details of previous treatments. I assess the overall medical condition of the individuals involved. Together, we discuss the possibility of additional diagnostic tests and explore various treatment methods.
In today's era of highly advanced diagnostic and treatment methods, it is now possible to achieve successful pregnancies even at a later age. There has been a shift in the social attitude towards childbearing, with many couples deciding to start a family after the age of 30. Regardless of age or financial status, my mission is to provide assistance and support to these couples.
The assessment of ovarian reserve involves performing the first test, Anti- Mullerian Hormone (AMH), when attempting pregnancy for an extended period without success.
The ATH fertility parameter determines the quantity and quality of ovarian follicles, providing knowledge of the precise range that requires treatment.
Thanks to advanced technologies, it is possible to assess semen quality in detail and select the best sperm for fertilization. This method significantly reduces the number of in vitro failures, thanks to the selected sperm chosen for fertilization.
Immunological infertility, estimated to affect up to 12% of infertility cases, is caused by a malfunction of the immune system, which attacks the body's own reproductive cells. Genetic infertility can manifest as recurrent miscarriages and can be caused by genetic disorders affecting sperm production, among other factors. Thanks to advanced methods, we are able to diagnose and treat both immunological and genetic factors.
Recurrent miscarriages refer to the occurrence of three or more consecutive miscarriages. The most prevalent cause of miscarriage is a genetic defect in the embryo, while other factors can include endocrine diseases in the mother, such as diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome, or thyroid disease.
The highly developed science of genetics and reproduction is making it increasingly possible to identify and prevent genetic diseases in offspring. Prevention is aimed at individuals who carry a genetic burden or have children affected by genetic diseases.
Endometriosis, which is the second most common disease among young women, is associated with chronic pain and is one of the leading causes of infertility. It can be treated pharmacologically and through a minimally invasive laparoscopic method.
Polycystic ovary syndrome affects up to one in ten women of childbearing age and is one of the most common endocrine disorders. It is a disorder that contributes to ovulation disorders, irregular menstrual cycles, and infertility. The treatment of PCOS depends on the severity of the disorder and the patient’s age and reproductive plans. In cases of a mild disorder, a woman’s fertility can return to normal after short-term drug treatment.
Fertility is affected by many factors, such as age, lifestyle, body weight, frequency of alcohol consumption, or smoking. With today's knowledge, we can help couples take care of their fertility, including through lifestyle recommendations. When it comes to preserving fertility, it can be useful to utilize the iYoni app, which I co-founded. The app supports health and fertility, offering a wealth of medical knowledge to help individuals make positive changes in their lives and improve fertility parameters.
I have always had a passion for helping individuals fulfill their dreams of having healthy children, regardless of their age or financial status. I am proud to be a co-founder and co-creator of INVICTA Infertility Treatment Clinics in Poland, which are renowned for their advanced technology and high effectiveness. Alongside a group of exceptional individuals, we have developed the iYoni
Application, a powerful tool for fertility support and monitoring. The iYoni App empowers individuals in need to self-diagnose, make informed decisions about their treatment, and receive top-quality care while minimizing the costs of visits, tests, and treatments.
I am a research member at the Medical University of Gdansk and the Medical University of Warsaw. I have contributed as a co-author to the Medical Guidelines for Oncofertility in Poland. My specializations include gynecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine, as well as gynecology and obstetrics, and endocrinology. Additionally, I hold certifications as a senior clinical embryologist and an ESHRE-certified laboratory diagnostician. I serve as a board member for the Polish Society for Reproductive Medicine and the Fertility and Infertility Section of the Polish Gynecological Society. I am also a member of the Polish Society of Andrology, the Polish Society of Human Genetics, the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. As a pioneer in Poland, I am actively involved in developing a proprietary preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) methodology that enables couples with genetic burdens to have healthy children.
Together with a team of leading specialists in reproductive medicine, fertility, gynecology, endocrinology, immunology, and genetics, we are developing the iYoni medical app. We have brought together an international group of professors, scientists, and doctors with extensive experience and notable achievements to share specialized knowledge with users of the app.
The iYoni App serves as a comprehensive guide for fertility and family planning. It offers a convenient calendar and utilizes advanced artificial intelligence algorithms for precise calculation of fertile days and ovulation detection. The app provides expert knowledge in the form of personalized recommendations, which are based on current scientific research and clinical experience. iYoni empowers users to make well-informed decisions regarding their health, diagnosis, and treatment.
Difficulty conceiving a child can have many causes. One significant
For a pregnancy to occur, a concerted interplay of a
Painful menstruation can significantly affect quality of life and daily
According to the WHO, in Poland, there are up to 1.5 million couples struggling with the problem of infertility, which accounts for approximately 20% of the population. Throughout my years of scientific and research work, I have continually expanded my knowledge and shared it with doctors worldwide. My primary focus is to be able to help individuals facing infertility. I have been in contact with numerous couples over the years who desire to have children, for whom this becomes the utmost priority in life. I understand the challenges they face in finding the right specialist, diagnostician, or doctor who can guide them through their treatment.
With my extensive knowledge and experience gained through years of practice, I am capable of providing treatment at the highest level, incorporating the latest advancements in knowledge and technology available globally. I stay updated on all the crucial information related to reproduction, fertility research, and treatment from around the world. My dedication is acknowledged by my patients, and the ultimate goal for both them and me is to achieve successful and healthy pregnancies. Simultaneously, my work serves as a source of personal satisfaction, as it allows me to grow both professionally and personally while making a positive impact on the lives of my patients.
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